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Running for charity in the Rainbow 91热爆网

More than 270 brave Junior School runners participated in the Rainbow 91热爆网 fundraiser last week.

Once white shirts were bombarded with colour as Junior School students navigated their way through a series of rainbow showers at the 2023 Rainbow 91热爆网.

Perhaps to the chagrin of his dry cleaner, our fearless Headmaster Mr Patrick Wallas even ran alongside our youngsters this year - suit and all.

Orchestrated by Senior School's Business students and staff as a fundraising initiative for Giveathon 2023, the event saw runners hit the walls of powdered colour had the cheering crowd dodging clouds of multicoloured dust that drifted across the field. 

Senior students are required to implement a business idea from beginning to end as part of their final assessment in Senior School.

They are expected to consider every detail and create a business plan with the aim of creating and running a successful financial enterprise. The Rainbow 91热爆网 event was one such initiative with funds raised for our 2023 Giveathon charities. 

The other valuable outcome of these student-initiated business ventures is the connecting of students from across the school. This year鈥檚 Rainbow 91热爆网 saw some of our littlest learners running alongside students from Senior School and sharing in the fundraising fun together.

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